
See About Us in the top menu for more information on Metro 4 and SESARM, the nonprofit organizations serving 17 local and 10 state air pollution control agencies in the Southeast. While this web site is designed primarily to serve the needs of the member agencies, we may occasionally offer certain information on our site for general public use as well. Thank you for visiting.


New Job Postings

July 3, 2024. Chattanooga-Hamilton County (Tennessee) is hiring an Air Pollution Investigator position for their asbestos program. The posting is open until the position is filled. Additional details are available on our job posting page at https://www.metro4-sesarm.org/content/job-postings.

July 3, 2024. Hillsborough County (Tampa) Florida is hiring an Environmental Specialist II position in their ambient air monitoring program. The posting closes July 11. Additional details are available on our job posting page at https://www.metro4-sesarm.org/content/job-postings.

January 2, 2024. Jefferson County Alabama (Birmingham) is hiring an Air Pollution Information Analyst in the air monitoring program and a Senior Air Pollution Control Engineer managing permits, inspections, and compliance. Additional details are available on our job posting page at https://www.metro4-sesarm.org/content/job-postings.


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